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  • 02 Oct 2015 4:01 PM | Anonymous

    MVW Club Banquet

    This year's Club Banquet is scheduled for Friday, November 13th.  The event will begin with drinks at 6:00pm.  It will again be held at the Maumee Bay Brewing Company located at 27 Broadway St., Toledo, OH  43604.  Additional information and reservation procedures will be forthcoming.

    WotY & MI Nominations

    It's the time of the year to nominate candidates for the Club's Wheelman of the Year and Most Improved awards.  Please send your nominations to ScottAnd please provide a brief description as to why you are nominating the individuals!

    Return 2014 Trophies
    If you are the holder of one of the Club's annual rotating trophies, then please make arrangements to return them to either Steve or Scott.  Please have the trophies returned by Thursday, October 15th.

  • 13 Sep 2015 6:20 PM | Anonymous

    The venerable Breakfast Rides will depart Fort Meigs at 9:00 and 9:05 am beginning Saturday, 26 September 2015.  A text will be distributed when the rides progressively make the switch from the road to the towpath.

    Also, please make note that the Club Banquet is scheduled for Friday, 13 November, and the event will be held at its usual venue--Maumee Bay Brewing Company.  Details to follow in a few weeks.

  • 31 Jul 2015 10:00 AM | Anonymous

    The Club's clothing store on the Voler website is open.  The ship date for this order is the third week of September and the order deadline is August 3rd.

    Welcome to the Voler Online Ordering System

    Maumee Valley Wheelmen has decided to use the Voler Custom Online Order System for collecting and processing your cycling apparel order. Please follow the steps below to place your individual order for inclusion in the overall team order.

    1. Click on this link to access your team order site: http://www.voler.com/custom/ordering/li/9534

    2. Click on “LOGIN” to enter your Login/Billing Info. Click on “Create Account” to save the information and to create your new User ID and Password. You will automatically be directed to the home page for your team order. If you are a returning customer, please use your original Login and Password.

    3. Click on “Begin Shopping" to gain access to the orderable products page. To place items in your shopping cart, click on the item you want to order, then the options you want to select, then the “Add to cart” button. You can choose to “View Your Bag” or “Continue Shopping” after adding each item. Repeat these steps for each item you want to order.

    4. After placing the last item you want to order in your shopping cart, click on “View Your Bag” to display the items. Carefully review the items and make any necessary modifications or deletions. Because each item is custom built, refunds and exchanges will not be accepted. After you have confirmed your order is correct, click on “Proceed to Checkout” to complete the secure checkout process by entering your credit card payment information.

    5. After you have completed the secure checkout process, an Order Confirmation will automatically be displayed and e-mailed to you for your records.

    6. After the order deadline date has passed, you will no longer be able to access the order site. If you have not completed the checkout process for your order by this date, any items in your cart will be removed. The Order Deadline and the Order Ship Date are displayed on the order homepage. The Ship Date is the date that your order will be shipped from Voler.

    Thank you for your order. If you have any questions, please call 800-488-6537 and ask for assistance from a Voler Customer Service Representative, or send us an email at sales@voler.com.

  • 25 Jun 2015 4:53 PM | Anonymous

    Information for the Evansville Road Race can be found here: http://maumeevalleywheelmen.com/Club_Race_10_Evansville_RR 

  • 28 May 2015 8:36 PM | Allen Kraus (Administrator)


    Grab your hairnets and wool jerseys! The Great Toledo Bicycle Race, circa 1981, was hosted by our very own Maumee Valley Wheelmen. Thanks to Dave David M Barnes for the slides!


    Here is an article in The Blade from that day in ancient history...

  • 02 Apr 2015 4:50 PM | Anonymous

    The Club's spring trash pick-up along SR 65 is scheduled for Saturday, May 2.  Meet at the Fort at 7:45.  A ride to breakfast will follow the task.  Please remember a minimum of eight people are needed to handle this most efficiently.  More info can be found here.

  • 23 Oct 2014 8:25 PM | Allen Kraus (Administrator)

    I am going to this next September. There are multiple races every day from the 19th through the the 28th.  I'm planning to leave Friday morning  (18th), stay in a hotel each night in the Richmond area (Candlewood Suites South) and return Monday the 29th. I'm looking for several others who are willing to share the travel expenses. I can carry 3 other people and possibly up to 6 bikes.  Great places to ride and just 4 miles from the main downtown race venues.  Post here or get in touch with me if you are interested in this. 

  • 04 Oct 2014 2:59 PM | Anonymous

    The Club will hold a general membership meeting on Thursday, 23 October at 6:30pm.  Thee meeting will be in Waterville at Mike Faehnle's place of business.  The address is Rock of Ages Memorials, 111 Anthony Wayne Trail, Waterville, OH  43566. For a map of the location can be found here.  

    So that I have an idea of attendance, please contact Scott if you plan to attend.  You may also text me.  Additional meeting details will be e-mailed.

  • 20 Sep 2014 11:52 AM | Anonymous
    Beginning Saturday, 27 September Breakfast Rides will depart from the Fort at 8:45am and 9:00am.  Coinciding with this change in start time is the likely possibility that a number of folks will begin riding the towpath to breakfast. 

    A website notice will be posted, and a text will be distributed, when the shift to towpath riding begins.  For more information on Breakfast Rides click here.

  • 15 Jul 2014 9:34 AM | Anonymous

    This Sunday's scheduled Club race has been canceled.  Criterium venue issues should be finalized this week, so that we can proceed with the Club Championship Criterium on 24 July.  More info will be broadcast when it is available.

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